Northeast Africa

In a country with more than 80 million Muslims and very little outreach to them, you’ll begin to learn Arabic—the regional language—and have opportunities to interact with locals. Breaking down the language barrier will open the door to connect with an unreached people group in need of the Good News.
Gaining a foundation in language learning will also benefit you wherever God leads. Statistics show that workers who learn the local language fluently are ten times more likely to see churches planted than those who don’t. Spending even six weeks on this crucial task will help to jumpstart your language learning process—even if you end up serving in a different country!
- Born again believer for more than 2 years
- Active in a local church for more than 1 year
- Fluent English speaker
- Able to spend several hours a day sitting and listening
- Team player and encourager of teammates
- Able to endure stressful situations with grace
- Able to tolerate hot temperatures outdoors
- A learner’s mentality
- Curious about long-term work in the Arab world
What to Expect
- 50 hours of language tutoring
- Learning more than 800 spoken words
- Learning through listening and activities
- Studying 2.5 hours, four days a week
- Personal & team ministry while outside of class
To find out more about this or any of our short-term opportunities,
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