Road to the Field

Navigating your road to the field can be tricky. But you don’t have to do it alone. That’s where Frontiers can help. Our resources, training, and personal coaches will equip you to thrive in long-term missions and be part of what God is doing in the Muslim world.


Take the First Step

When you Start the Conversation with Frontiers, a Mobilization Coach will answer your questions and help you explore opportunities. If you would like to move forward in the learning process, your Mobilization Coach will continue to guide you!


Mobilization Coaching

Your Mobilization Coach will provide ongoing encouragement and discipleship as you grow in knowledge of God's mission. They will walk you through the early stages of training in areas like spiritual health, relationships, ministry experience, finances, and more. Their goal is to partner with you to help you discern when you're ready to move forward.


Long-Term Application

When you are ready to take the next step, you will fill out a Long-Term Application (LTA). This is not a contract with Frontiers, but it is a serious next step towards serving the unreached! Once your LTA is approved, you’ll be assigned a Field Prep Coach.


Field Prep Coaching

Your Field Prep Coach will walk with you from the LTA approval until you launch to the field, helping you navigate the Frontiers-specific training process and equipping you with the tools needed to thrive cross-culturally.


Candidate School

While much of our training is individualized, Candidate School is the one thing that every single Frontiers worker participates in. During this two-week intensive training, you will discover key tools for abiding in Christ, ministering to Muslims, and working as a team. You will also meet with coaches to evaluate what ongoing personal development may benefit you.


Choose a Team

Things are getting real…it is time to choose your team! Because Frontiers is so diverse, your Field Prep Coach will help you narrow down the options based on your spiritual convictions and regional preference. Finding a team you can thrive on is not seen as an added bonus—it is essential! You might even sense that God is calling you to recruit and lead your own team, which is a process you can go through with your coach. This is the time when some candidates take a “vision trip” to check out the area they are considering serving in.


Final Preparations

Your Field Prep Coach will help you set and meet certain milestones as you prepare to leave. These include gathering prayer partners, raising financial support, and planning for your landing, so that you’re ready to launch well.



All of your preparation and prayer has led to this moment: it is time to join your new team on the field. Praise God for all He has done to get you here, and all He will continue to do as you serve!