
Stories from the Middle East

Hear from a field worker serving among an unreached people group in Middle East.

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About this event

Serving an unreached people group in East Africa

Join us as we hear from a worker who has been on the field for 20 years!

He and his family are currently living among the Yao People in East Africa — a Muslim people group that is less than 1% reached with the Gospel.

He and his team are reaching this people group through community development projects such as well-drilling and clean water initiatives.

What you'll learn

Who We Are

Frontiers is working to fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples among Muslim peoples who don’t know the saving message of Jesus Christ.

Our global priorities focus on the peoples and places with the least access to the Gospel. To this end, we work to recruit, train, and send teams of workers to live in Muslim communities and bring Christ’s message to those who have yet to hear it.