Why Muslims?

There are 2 billion Muslims on earth. Two billion individual souls who have no saving faith in Jesus. It isn’t just about people rejecting the message—

90% of Muslims don’t even have access to the truth of the Gospel.

And in the midst of this spiritual tragedy, the Muslim world also faces political unrest, religious violence, human trafficking, and crushing urban poverty. But there is still hope: more Muslims have come to know and follow Christ in the last 20 years than in the previous 1,400 years combined. The harvest is more plentiful than ever before, but the laborers are few.

Frontiers is committed to changing the statistics. Our teams will labor faithfully until the 2 billion becomes zero, giving all Muslims Gospel access. Made up of ordinary men and women like you, our workers are passionately using their unique personalities, experiences, and skills to make Jesus known in the least-reached places.

If you want to see profound Gospel transformation, the Muslim world is the place to be, and Frontiers is the organization that will get you there.

Learn more about what your Road to the Field could look like.

Why Missions?

The goal of missions is for God to be worshipped by “every tribe, people, and language” (Revelation 7:9). Christ sends us—His followers—to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19) and to proclaim His glory to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).

For all of history, God has been on a mission to use His people to make His glory known among the earth (Genesis 12:2). The mission of God is the most important thing we can give our lives to.

Be a part of what God is doing in areas where His name is not yet known—fill out a contact card and start your Road to the Field today.

Why You?

Missions is not for just one type of person. God has uniquely equipped His people to reflect His glory and make His name known. Whether you are wired to chase adventure, pursue a meaningful career, or comfort the hurting, there is a place for you among unreached Muslims.

Why I Go: From spreading my wings to spreading the Gospel

Why I Go: From loving my neighbor to loving the nations

Why I Go: From the soccer
field to the mission field

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Hailey* is a teacher for children on the field. In addition to fulfilling the role of a traditional teacher, she gets to be an active part of the team and the local community, helping children understand the world around them.

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Sarah* has served in the Muslim world for decades. She spends her days building relationships and having gracious conversations with local women. As the years go on, Sarah has begun to see Gospel transformation in women who once seemed stubborn towards Christ.

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Matt* faced much hostility in Central Asia, but God used the COVID-19 pandemic to open doors for Matt to become an integral part of his Muslim community. Today, he has a thriving business that employs local craftsmen, creating pathways for the hope of Jesus to be shared.

The Frontiers Difference

GroupCreated with Sketch.


Our priority is bringing the Good News to the least-reached Muslim peoples—populations that have no viable, sustainable Gospel witness in their midst.

GraceCreated with Sketch.


Our priority is bringing the Good News to the least-reached Muslim peoples—populations that have no viable, sustainable Gospel witness in their midst.

MovementsCreated with Sketch.


Our priority is bringing the Good News to the least-reached Muslim peoples—populations that have no viable, sustainable Gospel witness in their midst.

Field-ledCreated with Sketch.

Field Governed, Locally Led

Our priority is bringing the Good News to the least-reached Muslim peoples—populations that have no viable, sustainable Gospel witness in their midst.

MovementsCreated with Sketch.


Our priority is bringing the Good News to the least-reached Muslim peoples—populations that have no viable, sustainable Gospel witness in their midst.

GrowthCreated with Sketch.

Eager for coaching and accountability

Our priority is bringing the Good News to the least-reached Muslim peoples—populations that have no viable, sustainable Gospel witness in their midst.

(Statistics via Joshua Project)